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 Schuurman Farms is a family affair that prides themselves in providing the utmost care and respect for their families livestock.

Kelsey stays busy as a stay at home homeschool Mom and small scale farmer running the barns day to day operations. She enjoys gardening & has a passion for ethical small scale livestock farming and producing homegrown food for her families use. 

Josh works outside of farming running his own business but also has a livestock background. He enjoys time on the farm, particularily enjoys beef cattle, working draft horses, and the outdoors.

Schuurman Farms has a diverse range of livestock including Belgian and Percheron draft horses, registered Texas Longhorns, registered Brahman Cattle, a Holstein dairy cow, and a few childrens pets including a medium sized group of KuneKune pigs, sicillian donkeys, saanen and nigerian dwarf goats, & miniature horses.

You can also find our livestock occasionally featured in educational displays. Prior to becoming a Mom, Kelseys background was in Agriculture education, so when an opportunity arises to converse with the general public about Agriculture through hands on educational opportunities she is honored to do so!

You follow us on Instagram at “Schuurman Farms” to see what we are up to lately and to find some educational small farming videos!